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Study Shows A Link Between Weight, Exercise, and Periodontal Health

Smiling dental patient

You know that exercising regularly and staying at a healthy weight is good for your overall well-being. But according to a scientific study, being physically fit can be good for your gum health as well. The Journal of Periodontology reports that subjects in the study who were more physical fit and at a healthy weight had a lower occurrence of periodontitis—advanced gum disease. The first thing your Lockport dentist might tell you about gum disease is that it is the number one cause of tooth loss in adults.

If you have been on the fence—or the couch!—about starting a fitness program now might be a good time to add it to your wellness routine.

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Gum disease is sneaky. It often occurs in adults with no symptoms whatsoever. Even people who are diligent about brushing and flossing are not immune to this insidious condition. The only way to know for sure if your gums are healthy is to visit your dentist for examinations.

The early stage of gum disease, referred to as gingivitis, can be reversible if it is caught in time. Although often asymptomatic, it sometimes presents in the form of bleeding, swollen gums—particularly after flossing or brushing.

Once it reaches the more advanced stage—referred to as periodontitis— the gums and bone that are supporting the teeth have likely suffered serious damage. By this time, there is a serious risk of tooth loss.

Preventing Gum Disease

You can help to prevent gum disease by practicing good oral hygiene habits and visiting your dentist regularly. Some lifestyle habits, such as tobacco and alcohol use, may also contribute to gum disease, so it’s best to avoid those.

You might also want to ask your Lockport dentist about the beneficial effects of exercising and maintaining a healthy weight when it comes to your gum health. Call Dr. Kaplansky today to make your next appointment.